Girl in black dress singing
Boys playing band instruments
LRCA Choir Singers and drummer
Girl doing art in a class room
orchestra concert at little rock christian academy
Elementary Students in class making thanksgiving themed art
Girls in victorian dresses acting in a school play
Elementary Students in class working together

Friends of the Arts

  • Supports the Arts by providing resources above and beyond what tuition can provide.
  • Promotes student achievement in the Arts through recognition, awards, and scholarship.
  • Elevates growth in the Arts through unique workshops, competition, and experiences.

LRCA's Friends of the Arts serves as the "booster" group of friends, families, and local businesses who support the Arts through networking, in-kind or financial gifts, and volunteerism.  Our desire is that each student in Warriorville experience the arts, learn appropriate technique and practices, and encounter the JOY that God intended we gain through music, art, and theatre.

Your support has provided:

In the past 24 months, gifts to the Arts provided tangible equipment, scholarship opportunities, and
unique experiences for students at Little Rock Christian. 
  • Portable Keyboards for expanded Fine Arts Academy instruction
  • Funds to boost the experiences of art, music, and theatre honor societies
  • $15,000 in instruments for grades 5-12 band and orchestra
  • Specialized audio and sound installations in Choir and Band classrooms
  • Instrumentation for Elementary Music Classroom/ Orff instruction
  • IPad Pros and iPads for Studio Art and Design classrooms
  • Financial assistance given, allowing any student with the desire to participate in the arts, the ability to do so
  • Guest Artist workshops and galleries
  • Student expenses covered to participate in All-State Workshop and Concert
  • Receptions following major performances in Warrior Hall
  • Award recognition to high school art, music, and theatre students at annual "Jubilee" red-carpet event