High School Thespian Troupe 8226
Little Rock Christian's Thespian Troupes are a part of the International Thespian Society (ITS). Founded in 1929, ITS is an honorary organization for high school and junior high theatre students located at more than 4,900 affiliated secondary schools across America and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians and junior high/middle school inductees are known as Junior Thespians. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).
The Thespian troupe is a subset of the theatre arts program. It is the student honor society, a separate student organization, and membership is earned. Any student may be a member of the theatre program, but only students who have been officially inducted and registered with the EdTA national office are members of the theatre program and the International Thespian Society.